Book Promotion Tip #4: Once you've announced your new book to the world via Facebook and email and start to receive congratulations, make sure to say thank you! Respond to Facebook posts; answer emails; make phone calls. Let everyone know how much you appreciate their support.
Of course you have friends you keep up with on a regular basis, but we all have lots of people with whom we don't stay in constant contact who nevertheless are people we like and enjoy. If those people like and enjoy you as well, they will respond to your book announcement. Take the opportuntity to check out their Facebook pages and make comments. Check in with old friends you hear from via email or phone. Find out what they are up to.
Because I've lived in many places over the last forty years and because geographic mobility is so common, I have friends all over the country I was happy to catch up with after I announced the release of my latest picture book, A SISTER MORE LIKE ME (Disney Press 2013).
Making "friends" in order to have them promote your book for you isn't a good idea--but making real friends throughout your life who like you enough to promote your book just because they're happy for you and want to spread the good news.... Well, what could be better?!
Join me again next Friday for more promotional tips that are working for me and could work for you as well.
Barbara Jean Hicks is a regular guest contributor to Tales From the Rushmore Kid. She is a credentialed teacher in K-12 English/Language Arts and the award-winning author of seven picture books for children, including AN AMAZING SNOWMAN (February 18, 2014, Disney Press), which along with A SISTER MORE LIKE ME is based on characters from the 2013 Disney animated feature film FROZEN.
Joyce, have you seen the movie yet? It's a keeper! I'm so lucky I was asked to do this project. Fingers crossed they will ask me to do more!
Posted by: A Facebook User | March 13, 2014 at 05:14 PM
Wow! Barbara what a cool connection between you and Frozen! I haven't seen the movie. (Yeah, I know that's lame.) But I have grandchildren so I know I will eventually. And I'll read your book to them too!
Posted by: Joyce Moyer Hostetter | February 25, 2014 at 03:54 AM