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« Book Promotion: Announcing the Birth of your "Baby" - Barbara Jean Hicks | Main | Book Promotion: Seize the Moment - Barbara Jean Hicks »

January 28, 2014


I happened upon this book on Amazon. As a poet and an elementary music teacher I wish I had written this book! It is a great way to get children interested in writing poetry, as well as introduce them to poetic forms. Awesome!

Rosi Hollinbeck

I have to get my hands on this book. I am in love with the concept and the snippets I've seen. Thanks for the chance to win.


This book is so creative. Thanks for sharing the editor's process with us!

Photopoet10 .

Thanks, Ann--I'm a fan of YOUR poetry! Thanks, too, for all you do to put poetry into the hands and hearts of young readers!

Ann Wagner

I am a huge fan of Joan's! I use poetry as much as I can at the public library in story times, in programming, in displays--and I can't wait to get my hands on this new book. It sounds like a winner!

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