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January 01, 2014


køb tripod

Thank you for posting this great blog. The subject is intriguing to me.I hope you post more about it soon. It gave me good deeper insight.

Barbara Hicks

Yes, Virginia, there IS hope for a brighter tomorrow. At least I sure the heck hope so! :-) Auden's poem is so perfect for the after-the-holidays let-down--which I have not experienced yet! Fingers crossed...

Virginia Crowe

Thank you Barbara, for summing up the exact feelings of what many of us our experiencing after the long hussle and bussel of the Holidays, kids bored and crying for adventure and parents are broke with lost hope of having any peace of mind for the next week till school begins...HAllelujah!Never thought I would say that about my grandchildren...:)Yet to come is the New Year which we are all hoping for a brighter tomorrow.

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