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February 11, 2013


jody shapiro

Oh my. Just reading this makes me realize how much I miss seeing everyone. It was delicious to read your blog and catch up on all your great minterviews (mini-interviews). And then of course I flipped over to Shrinking Violets who continue to blossom and I hope remain as purple as ever.

jody shapiro

Oh my. Just reading this makes me realize how much I miss seeing everyone. It was delicious to read your blog and catch up on all your great minterviews (mini-interviews). And then of course I flipped over to Shrinking Violets who continue to blossom and I hope stay as purple as ever.

Carol Heyer

Great tips Mary and Robin. Will try to put them all into action. However narrowing down my many personal quirks may take a very long time!

Happy promoting.

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