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August 10, 2012


A Facebook User

Joyce, my sincere condolences on the loss of your mother. I know what you mean--I don't at all resent or regret the hours I spend with my mom--in fact, being with her is the one time I'm able to let go of the past and the future and simply rest in the "now." It's a great reminder that life is best enjoyed in the moment! Yes, I do believe the time I spend with her is feeding my artist.

I love your commitment to intentionally spend time in your garden every day! Both mom and dad were gardeners, and I make sure Mom always has fresh flowers in her room. Selecting them and arranging them for her each week nurtures my artist even though I'm not a gardener myself.

As far the Highlights workshop--it's postponed, not cancelled! I do look forward to teaching at the Honesdale campus some day. Maybe you'll join me there!

Joyce Moyer Hostetter

Barbara, I can totally relate to this. I lost my mom this year and during those last 9 months, I gave her some of my best writing energy/hours. But I miss that opportunity now.

Cherish the moments and use them in your writing. This is feeding your artist self in some way. I am quite certain of that.

As for practices I've let go - a few minutes of gardening everyday. Being outside (even just to pull a few weeds) nurtures my artist side and improves my sense of well-being. I'm being intentional about that!

I hate you will miss the Highlights event. That would also have nurtured you.

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