from the bookshelves of
Children’s Author Barbara Jean Hicks
Summertime at the beach… What could be a better time and place for reading children’s books?! If only. I AM doing research for the children’s writing workshop I’ll be teaching for Highlights in September, so I’m reading books—but unfortunately I’m not at the beach! I just bought a house that needs a lot of work, so you’re more likely to find me on a ladder than a beach blanket.
Since I’m reading a lot to prepare for my workshop, I thought for the next few weeks I’d post the first lines from some of my favorite children’s books. The first person who posts a comment with all the titles and authors correct each week gets a free, autographed copy of one of my own picture books, The Secret Life of Walter Kitty, illustrated by the fabulous Dan Santat. This week all these books in my personal library are in the “early reader” category.
Who wrote the following first lines, and for what book?
1) One cold rainy day when my father was a little boy, he met an old alley cat on his street.
2) I have had not so good of a week.
3) Once upon a time, in a grand castle, there lived a rat named Bob, who was fond of baking and wild about reading.
4) Somewhere very romantic. Like Italy. The stars were twinkling… the moon was shining… and the air was sweet with romance!
5) One frosty morning, Zelda and Ivy helped their neighbor Mrs. Brownlie bake gingerbread cookies.