from the teaching files of
Barbara Jean Hicks
Are you as inspired by the voices and visions of children as I am? Check out these two self portraits, a visual one from Hector and a verbal one from Luis, both fourth graders I worked with in a California public school.
I love how self confident and grounded and perceptive they are. (I’d LOVE to be able to say “my body is great” without any sense of embarrassment!) Kids don’t question their thoughts and feelings; they simply express them--a great lesson for us all.
My eyes are light to dark and gorgeous.
My hair is as black as a bear and as spiky as a porcupine.
My skin is the color of a peach.
My smile is as big and bright as the sun.
My laugh sounds the same as my friend Andrew’s laugh.
When I play basketball with my friends
My heart beats like an electric guitar.
My body is great.
Luis, Age 10
Tune in here next week for another pair of inspiring self portraits from the mouths and hands of babes!