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September 20, 2011


Carmela Martino

Terrific interview, Tina! I've heard nothing but great things about Kelly Sonnack.

Laurisa Reyes

Great interview. Seeing Kelly's name drew me to your blog which I will now follow. I met Kelly several years back at an SCBWI function and have had the pleasure of communicating with her from time to time. She is always kind and generous, and it seems that all the agents from ABLA are the same.

Myra from GatheringBooks

Nice! I was able to listen to two of her presentations during the Asian Festival of Children's Content here in Singapore. She was very sharp, crisp and concise in her presentation. Really learned a lot. :)


Fun interview!

Barbara Bietz

Terrific, interview! Thanks, Tina. I love Kelly's favorite picks.

Jo S. Kittinger

I had read a while back that Kelly was one of the Top 20 Picture Book Dealmakers of 2010.
Congratulations Kelly! I wish you continued success!

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