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February 04, 2011


Lois V. Harris

Wow! Six years of waiting...a true character-building experience---dreams do come true!

Barbara Bietz

Hooray for Tina and Lincoln!

Kimberly Lynn

Congrats, Tina!!

Tina Coury

Great suggestions Caroline! Thanks for reading and interviews for the blog.

Caroline Hatton


That's awesome news! So when I saw you on Feb 5, you knew and I didn't and how on earth could you keep from running around telling everyone in sight?

Mere suggestions: wear a vest with the book cover (or only the title and bylines, and perhaps the tagline) on the back (some people might be more comfortable staring at your back than your front); wear a rectangular pin that is a mini of the book cover.



Robyn Hood Black

Congratulations, Tina - and thanks for always "sharing the love" with so many!

Sherrie Petersen

Excellent! I'm so glad that this book is coming out soon. I know you must be happy about that :)

Yuki Yoshino

Hooray! I look forward to the day when I can find it in bookstores and in libraries.


Tina Coury

Thanks Gang...I can't wait. It has been a great journey with wonderful friends!


We sure are going to have one HUGE celebration in May 2012, aren't we! Can't wait!

Rebecca Langston-George

I'm so glad to hear the pub date is set! Yay! Happy Dance!

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