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January 18, 2011


Lee Wind

This is a great tip - especially the part about being willing to go out of your comfort zone! Thanks Jay - and Tina as well!

Deb Marshall

A great tip (and timely for me!). I am just changing a book from first person to third--out of what I thought was my comfort zone until I started to do it. The voice, oddly enough, feels more right than it did when it was in first person.

Thanks! Looking forward to exploring other tips!

Tina Coury

Thanks for your comment Vicky. Jay points out how we all start on one path and can end on another.

Vicky Alvear Shecter

Great tip! I can relate somewhat--I went out of my comfort zone for my upcoming novel, which is completely opposite of the light, humorous approach I took for my nonfiction work. These are a great feature of your blog! Thanks for sharing them.

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