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December 21, 2010


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Gwen G. Beresford
715 Heron Way
Portland, OR 97 206

Denise Doyen

Thanks everyone for your sweet comments. And again, to Tina for inviting me.

All the best,
Denise Doyen

Donna McDine

Fascinating interview. I've enjoyed getting to know Ms. Doyen through your insightful questions and her intriguing replies.

Thank you.

Children’s Author
Write What Inspires You Blog
The Golden Pathway Story book Blog

Eloise Freeman

Terrific interview, Tina! What a captivating
interview you gave, Denise. I was totally

Lee Wind

Hey, great interview! I loved the story of Denise's childhood brush with her character becoming "real!" And the MG sounds amazing!
Write on, Denise. Write on!

Pat/Tricia J. O'Brien

This interview was a gem from start to finish. Thinking of all aspects of writing as a labor of love can do nothing but make the journey more sweet. Thank you both.

Sandy Fussell

I just love this piece of advice: "Treat each opportunity as a gift. Whether you’ve been asked to speak at a Writer’s Day or read for pajama-time at your local bookstore – keep in mind that someone has invited you to participate in their own labor-of-love. Do them and yourself proud." I am storing it away!


Yay! Denise is writing a middle-grade novel! Very good news that just made my day. I'm glad it's her current obsession.

Daniel Teeter

People with CVs as impressive Denise's usually don't cast it aside to write children's books. So you wonder: Why? Clearly, it's not for the money or glory (as the industry has little to go around). Well, if you've read "Once" you'll see clearly that this is a person who truly understands both components of "labors of love." Like Milton Glaser, she too may've a sign over her door that reads: "Art is work." The good hard work invested in this book shows through brilliantly. If only there were more books like this out there.

I also eagerly look forward to what comes next. Respect to Ms. Doyen.

Lois Keller

It's hard to believe Denise is a first time published author. Once Upon a Twice is such an age old classic you think you just haven't got around to reading it yet. Once you do, you want to give it to everyone you know. Inspiring interview!

Dianne White

Lovely interview, Tina! I met Denise at the summer conference, but didn't know anything about her, except that she'd written Once Upon a Twice. Her story is so fascinating, and the MG novel sounds amazing. Something to look forward to...

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