I met Michele Corriel last January at the SCBWI Winter Conference in New York. She is a dedicated RA and a member of the class of 2K10 with her debut novel, Fairview Felines: A Newspaper Mystery. I am thrilled to be part of her Blog Tour with an interview by our mutual agent, the wonderful Mark McVeigh.
What was it about Michele's work that first attracted your attention and caused you to offer representation?
Michele's clear and on-target voice, her humor, and her ability to create memorable characters blew me away when I read ALL OF THE ABOVE, the novel that is out on submission right now.
Looking back on your years as an editor, what is the biggest difference between working with writers now that you're an agent?
The only difference I see is that writers need a little more support from their agent than their editor: right now, I'm working with them as we shape and sell their book, a period of time that can be nerve-wracking and full of uncertainty for them. As an editor, I had already bought the book, so the support I gave them had less to do with the business side of publishing, which can be so hard on a writer's sense of self-worth.
What exactly is the difference between a "boutique" agency and a traditional literary agency?
We're smaller and more focused: we work with fewer clients and can pay much closer attention to the authors and their books.
I look forward to reading your work Michele.
Posted by: Michele Griskey | October 11, 2010 at 06:42 PM
Thanks, Tina. Great info and congrats to Michelle on her debut.
Posted by: Greg Trine | October 11, 2010 at 03:07 PM
Very nice interview, and congrats to Michele on Fairview Felines - and here's to seeing All of the Above out soon!
Posted by: Janet Fox | October 11, 2010 at 09:41 AM
Nice interview! Thanks for posting, Tina, and best of luck with both books, Michele!
Posted by: Maurene Hinds | October 11, 2010 at 09:08 AM
Thank you hosting this stop, Tina. And thank you to Mark for taking time out of his very busy day to say a few words on my behalf. It is a crazy business and every day I appreciate the people who are sharing this journey with me.
Posted by: Michele Corriel | October 11, 2010 at 08:43 AM