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March 15, 2010


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What shoes are good for working in wet conditions?
In the summer I do landscaping cutting grass, and we start early.

Isabel Arraiza Arana


Me alegra mucho tu nuevo libro y que con tus historias ayudes a muchos a entender los difíciles retos que atraviesan los inmigrantes. También que sean una celebración a la fortuna de ser parte de dos países, de dos culturas. Mucho éxito con éste y todos los que faltan.


Christianne Meneses Jacobs

Dear Rene,

I can't wait to read this book. I am so excited and proud.

I agree with Mara. The book should be published in Spanish. I already wrote to Kent Brown asking for a Spanish copy.

Thanks for all the wonderful stories that you write,

Christianne Meneses Jacobs

Mara Price

René, congratulations on your new book. I know it was a long wait, but it was worth it. The text and illustrations are so beautiful, it really stands out.

I hope Boyds Mill Press considers publishing My shoes and I in Spanish.




Thanks for sharing your latest book. My son's class loves it.


Leticia Pontoni

Great post Tina. I love Rene's books. My Shoes and I is a very special book for our immigrant children.

Leticia Teresa Pontoni,


Leticia Pontoni

Dear Tina: I know you thanks René. I had the chance to make you an interview. It is a big chance make interviews to great artists like you. I admire books from René.

I am sure is so hard to begin a new life for children in a new culture, new friends, new language.

My best wishes to René, a friend.


Love this interview...Rene, your story is very inspiring...and I am sure that the ice cream comment will be well recieved by kids.

Traveling to a new country in search of a better life is not easy...but you make the adventure sound come from such a place of strength and love...

thanks for sharing


Anna Rodriguez

Hi, Tina. I am so glad you are a part of this blog tour for children's author Rene Colato Lainez and his book My Shoes and I. Your blog is great and a wonderful way to kick-off the second week of Rene's tour!

Many people are looking forward to getting their copies of My Shoes and I and those that have read it are giving it high praise.

I encourage your readers to follow this tour to increase their chances of winning a copy of My Shoes and I. Rene is around at each tour stop to answer reader questions and comments.

All the best.

Rene Colato Lainez

Thanks Tina,

Readers feel free to questions or comments and you will have a chance to win a copy of the book.

Rene Colato Lainez

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