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January 09, 2010


Mary Ann Fraser

I really appreciated the suggestions, Tina and Bruce. I have two characters who won't shut up, but they keep jumping ahead. I think a little Q & A is in order!


I love the Interview a Character tip. Much better than talking to them in my head (or out loud at the grocer store)!

Christian Louboutin Pumps

really a good idea.....Thanks Bruce and Tina!

Cathy C. Hall

I hadn't heard it called "dream seeding" but I love that! Sometimes when I'm stuck, I'll let something rattle around in my head and do something totally mindless, like take a long bath. And then Eureka! I'm unstuck. Also a little pruney. Thanks, Tina, for passing along Bruce's great tips.


This is truly helpful. Thank you so much for sharing!!


Thanks for the home remedies for stuck-itis! I love the idea of character journaling. A sure cure :-)!

Terry P.

Solid, sound advice. Nice job, Tina and Bruce!

Great advice - Thanks Bruce and Tina!

Patricia Cruzan

Thank you, Tina and Bruce. It helps to hear prominent writers' tips for solving story problems. I heard the tip about dream seeding the other day at a Georgia Writers Association meeting.

Patricia Cruzan


Great tips from Bruce and very timely as I'm suffering from a bad case of stuckitis. I'm off to sleep on it and hopefully my dream-seeds will sprout stalks strong enough for me to climb out of Stuckville.

Thanks Tina and Bruce!


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