I am a big fan of the charity FIRST BOOK. This great organization is dedicated to putting children's books into the hands of needy kids. During this holiday season, up to December 31st, Random House will match, book-for-book, every donation to FIRST BOOK. Check out the following information and see if you can contribute. At
First Book, every $2.50 donation funds one new book for a child in
need. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee, you can introduce a
child to the joy of books and reading.
Just think, for $25, you can fund ten new books – enough to delight a group of preschoolers.
For $50, you can start home libraries for kids in a mentoring program. A
$100 donation will provide an under-served middle-school classroom with
exciting new books that will go home with the children. Here's one more reason to donate now: your gift will mean twice as much.
Thanks to Random House Children’s Books, every donation to First Book
before December 31st will be matched book-for-book. So your
contribution will have double the impact – and twice as many books will get to kids who need them most! Will you make a donation of $25 or more and help share the joy of new books with children who need them most? Please donate now and take advantage of this generous matching opportunity. Together we can end illiteracy and bring light, hope and the promise of a brighter future to children who need our help. I wish you holidays filled with peace and joy.
Kyle Zimmer President, First Book
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