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April 01, 2008


Rebecca L-G

Great fun, great jokes, and, ummm. . . great picture!
I'll have to share some of these jokes with my students, especially the broccoli and boogers one.

Terry P.

Thanks for doing this, Tina! It was a lot of fun to brainstorm some of my favorite childhood jokes and pull some of my favorites from my joke books. And Jody is right--in many ways my mind is like an old elephant trunk!

Barbara Bietz


Thanks for sharing Terry's jokes! Terry - great photo! Maybe your next book could be "Super Gross Jokes!"

Barbara B

jody shapiro

Question: Where did Terry find those old jokes?
Answer: An old elephant trunk.

Thanks for the morning laugh. Great way to start April fools day. I will continue to celebrate it all day. Well at least all morning. On to Peets.

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