I met Tim Gillner at last year at SCBWI Ventura Writer's Day. I was the portfolio coordinator so I brought him talented illustrators all day long. He also gave a wonderful speech and slide show about his house, Boyds Mills Press.
I am delighted that he agreed to be interviewed.
When and why did you become involved in art directing for children’s books?
I became art director of Boyds Mills Press in 1991. Why, is a little tougher to answer. I had worked in children's publishing for 15 or so years prior to that. I guess it is just the natural progression of my field.
I started at the bottom doing paste-up and then became a designer for Zaner-Blozer, a hand writing and spelling book company and then I art directed Puzzlemania, a puzzle book continuity series for Highlights for Children and then I was moved to be art director for Boyds Mills.
What do you look for in a portfolio?
First I look to see if the work is suitable for us. If it is suitable, then I look for professionalism, technique, medium, and because I have seen so many portfolios and already have files for most mediums, techniques, etc. I look for something that makes the person unique or just something a little different than what you see everyday.
What is one of your favorite children’s books that you'd like to recommend?
That is an extremely hard question. And sorry, but I have to give you two. One for the story and one for the design and artwork. For the story, A Splendid Friend Indeed by Suzanne Bloom. Yes, we did publish it but it is just a great, classic, story. For the artwork and design. Three Little Pigs by David Weisner. Genius.
What are you working on now?
I am working on our fall 2008 list and currently, as we speak, have 3 books open on my computer that I am working on and designing covers for. And I am searching for illustrators for three books that are unscheduled, checking color proofs, and I just got back from California where I spoke and critiqued portfolios at The Writers Day conference.
What is your favorite dessert and why?
Again, I have two. Homemade peanut butter pie and any kind of cheesecake.
Tim Gillner, Art Director/Boyds Mills Press, is a graduate of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. He has worked in magazines, textbooks, and trade books for the past twenty-nine years and taught book illustration for twelve years at Marywood University. He is a member of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, and the Society of Illustrators in New York City. Tim resides in a one-hundred-fifty-year-old farmhouse with his wife, two beagle dogs, and five cats and enjoys spending time in the outdoors.