From the time I was a kid I loved to paint on walls. My mom even indulged me as I splashed a giant purple rainbow across my bedroom. Through out my professional career I have assisted, designed and created many murals. They were very hard work as I carried gallons of paint, climbed up and down ladders and stood on my feet 12 hours a day. Now I am happy to say that I only do murals for love. Here is a nursery I painted last week for my friends Bob and Michelle. They are expecting twin girls very soon.
I have known Michelle since she was a kid and I was thrilled that they wanted me to paint some type of Hawaiian theme for their babies. I took the style of the palm trees from a pillow used in the nursery, there are a million types of palms trees. Then I painted pink hibiscus in different areas to add color and whimsy. I do get a kick out of the fact that these babies will be soothed by the design, stimulated by the flowers and maybe one of their first words will be "tree." At times like this I am grateful for the skill to give art for love.