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February 15, 2007


Yuki Yoshino

Wow, your collages and WIP key scenes creative output sounds very intriguing, like alternate pathways for your books. That's makes me all giddy just thinking about it. Very cool!

Barbara Jean,
It is our impulse to make/create that fuels us as writers. I like those ideas.

I agree with Barbara Jean, love seeing those painting, thanks for posting them.


Robin La Fevers

Hi Tina!

I meant to get over here yesterday to welcome you to the blogosphere, but got derailed. ;-)

GREAT blog! So colorful and packed with great info!

Now, on to the Frivolous Creative Work question.
When I started writing full time, I realized I'd need some new creative pursuit that would help feed my creative process, and I stumbled upon collaging and altered books. My collages aren't artistic at all, mostly a hodge podge of images from magazines and such that speak to me of the work in progress, but it feels very creative, and that's enough.

For my next book, instead of a collage, I've started an altered book that visually represents key scenes or atmosphere or whatever from WIP, which is being much more creative (and a bit challenging) than the collages. But very, VERY much a pure, frivolous creative pursuit!

Barbara Jean

I agree with Yuki--art for art's sake is anything but frivolous! Humans were born to create, so I always feel if I'm engaged in some creative pursuit, whether writing or drawing or cooking or rearranging the furniture in my house, I'm doing what I was meant to do! Love your cats, Tina--hope you'll post more paintings!

Yuki Yoshino

Frivolous ? No, no, not frivolous, I call it creative brainstorming, playing with my new toys (software or how to do books) or messing around. Yup, I have all sorts of names for delaying the "serious" work and doing fun exploration. I even put them in little file folders on my desktop so there are always within easy reach. Oh-- I guess that would be a yes to your question. ;) (Raises hand slowly.)

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